How manufacturers are making their supply strategy smarter Microsoft’s Indranil Sircar discusses how generative AI, copilots and digital twins can help optimise supply chain operations in the manufacturing industry
Shure’s Tyler Troutman on improving the collaborative space In a world of hybrid work, it is important that employees can hear, and be heard, clearly
Predict, stock and succeed: Kyndryl’s Kayla Broussard explains how AI is helping retailers Firms are using AI to analyse customer buying habits and improve inventory management
AI: a game-changer for Microsoft Teams Microsoft’s Ilya Bukshteyn discusses the introduction of AI into the platform, plus new features, industry applications and the benefits of a partner ecosystem
News | Financial services Lucinity leverages Microsoft partnership to transform crime prevention for financial services providers
Interview | Microsoft 365 Jim Liddle discusses the benefits of having a window to your entire ecosystem