Enterprise Connect: taking customer experience to the next level

Enterprise Connect: taking customer experience to the next level

Enterprise Connect 2024

Over 5,000 collaboration professionals and experts will be in attendance 

Amber Hickman |

Communication and collaboration event Enterprise Connect will take place on 17-20 March 2025 in Orlando, Florida. 

Over 5,000 attendees will be at the event including enterprise IT professionals and customer experience experts. 

Ilya Bukshteyn, corporate vice president for Microsoft Teams calling, devices and premium experiences, will be hosting the Microsoft keynote. In addition, a selection of Microsoft partners will be exhibiting and hosting sessions during the event, including Jabra, Johnson Controls and NICE. 

In the expo hall, attendees will be able to take part in ‘speed networking’, explore new technologies and solutions, and participate in demonstrations. 

Find out more and register on the Enterprise Connect website 

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