As technology continues to evolve, the little voice in the back of people’s heads continues to ask: “How will this new technology affect my job? Will it positively impact my day-to-day operations, or will it replace me completely?”
Technological change can be nerve-wracking, particularly now that it is making waves in workplaces around the world and affecting the way that people are doing their jobs day in and day out.
A business process automation solution can positively impact the way that senior executives and their teams manage data and information, but only if they continue to work effectively and efficiently, and learn unique business processes.
Automated document management solutions enable technology and employees to work symbiotically as a team, but how do they affect daily tasks?
When document management procedures are automated, people have time to complete more pertinent tasks that may previously have been neglected and replaced with manual tasks. They no longer have to waste time printing documents, running paperwork around the office for approvals, or keying in data, and can instead take on bigger projects.
Moving from manual to automated processes also makes employees more efficient. Automated procedures are accurate and tailored to a company’s unique business rules, so while the document management solution isn’t completely going to take over jobs, it can make them more streamlined.
Document management technology also offers easy access to content so employees no longer have to endlessly hunt for documents. Information is constantly flowing into organisations and a document management solution allows employees to have that information at their fingertips. Paperless automation allows for better access to, and visibility of, data and documents by indexing them and communicating directly with a company’s Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource planning system to create a seamless workflow and repository.
Another benefit is guaranteed regulatory compliance. It can be stressful and complicated to navigate the rules surrounding which documents need to be saved, in what format and for how long. No one wants to break government rules. Document management solutions make sure information is stored electronically according to specific business rules, and in the proper format for the appropriate length of time without exorbitant physical document storage costs.
Technology is changing workplaces as we know them, but embracing these changes will lead to positive transformations in the way we manage day-to-day tasks. It’s time for companies to rethink their workday.
Alyssa Putzer is a marketing communications specialist for Metafile Information Systems