How to reduce the administrative burden of the cloud

How to reduce the administrative burden of the cloud
Singhammer’s business software SITE helps cloud solution providers to manage cloud contracts

Caspar Herzberg |

A growing number of IT enterprises are offering services from the cloud – software-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, or even anything-as-a-service (XaaS). But cloud service providers (CSPs) are now struggling to find easy ways to manage and bill customers for usage-dependent cloud contracts.

This is where Singhammer IT Consulting’s enterprise resource planning platform SITE can help. Built on Microsoft Dynamics NAV, SITE makes it easier for cloud solution providers (CSPs) to manage their cloud contracts effectively because they can use it to automatically process fluctuating usage data on a large scale.

SITE offers several other benefits for CSPs, including the ability to bundle their own services with those from third parties to create unified product packages that the end user will see as a single line item – from the sales quote and sales order, all the way to the invoice. In addition, SITE enables CSPs to specify which services should be assigned to certain types of contracts when creating a sales quote or order. If an end user selects this type of contract, then the service will automatically be added at the shipping stage. Plus, SITE has a contract billing feature that automatically distinguishes between invoices and credit memos, the latter of which is created if a customer has used less of a cloud service than they have paid for.

Singhammer also provides Microsoft CSPs with the connectors they need to quickly, easily and securely carry out other business processes in conjunction with SITE. For example, CSPs can simply press a button to transfer master customer data from SITE to Microsoft portals or platforms from cloud distributor solution providers like This allows them to create subscriptions to Microsoft, ADN and other cloud distributors directly from a SITE sales order.

In addition, SITE’s new XaaS and contract functions enable CSPs to create individual customer invoices from the billing data provided by Microsoft and other cloud providers. In future, Singhammer will develop connectors for other manufacturer portals.

Vanessa Kohlhaas is digital marketing manager at Singhammer


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