isolved reveals that employee expectations are rising

isolved reveals that employee expectations are rising

According to the firm’s Champions of Change report, employee experience expectations are the top threat facing talent retention, followed by remote work expectations

Alice Chambers |

The most successful human resource (HR) departments are striking a balance between people, policies, programmes and progress, according to isolved’s fourth-annual HR Leaders Report, Champions of Change.

The report, which is based on data gathered from over 1,000 business leaders in HR decision-making roles, found that despite employees’ expectations at work being at an all-time high, 76 per cent of HR decision makers believe their expectations are not unreasonable. They put this down to employees deserving a good experience at work.

That doesn't mean, however, that HR leaders aren’t concerned with rising employee experience expectations. It’s the top threat facing talent retention at 18 per cent, closely followed by remote work expectations at 15 per cent.

“Effective HR teams want to create great employee experiences,” said Amy Mosher, chief people officer at isolved. “It’s not about convincing HR benefits or payroll professionals to create talent-focused experiences but rather providing them with tools to enact organisational changes effectively. It’s no wonder that this year’s research highlights HR leaders’ desire for data to help them drive decision-making in their organisation. When they can find middle ground – and analytics can help them prove out their case – they can create emNews, Strategy, AI, isolved, HR, isolved,ployee experiences that matter for both the employer and the employee.”

The report also highlights the increasing need for automation technology to alleviate repetitive tasks for HR teams, with 60 per cent of responders saying they’d be able to use the saved time on “much-needed middle ground”.

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