Railroad investor aims to optimise crew assignments and improve train service efficiency
Elly Yates-Roberts |
Railroad investor Kansas City Southern is to further its use of CloudMoyo’s crew management (CCM) solution, with the aim of optimising crew assignments and improve train service efficiency.
Kansas City Southern chose to run its CCM solution on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform in order to leverage its scalability. It also uses advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.
“KCS’s vision is to consistently be the fastest-growing, best-performing, most customer-focussed transportation provider in North America,” said Brian Hancock, vice president and chief innovation officer at KCS. “The planned expansion of the CCM solution from Mexico to the US supports this growth vision while delivering a seamless user experience.”
The CCM solution is expected to help KCS meet current and future requirements by bypassing lengthy deployment schedules. It enables KCS crews in the US and Mexico to work more securely across geographical locations, while retaining the flexibility to operate independently on a regional basis.
“KCS is already recognised as an innovative and customer-focussed leader in the rail and transportation industry,” said Manish Kedia, president and CEO of CloudMoyo. “The CIO100 award won by KCS in August 2018 for the CCM-Mexico Crew Call solution was a great validation of the value created through innovation. We are now thrilled to see the expanding footprint of our next-generation CCM solution across multiple locations and countries served by KCS.”