New AI capabilities to help Microsoft Viva Sales users personalise emails to customers

New AI capabilities to help Microsoft Viva Sales users personalise emails to customers


The seller experience app will generate suggested email responses to enable sales teams to save time

Amber Hickman |

Microsoft is updating Viva Sales with a new generative artificial intelligence-powered experience to help sellers communicate more effectively with customers and new prospects.

The service will use Microsoft Azure and OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 service – an AI-based language model – to generate suggested email responses that sellers can use in various scenarios, including replying to an enquiry or creating a sales proposal. It will also include data relevant to the specific recipient such as pricing, promotions and deadlines.

To enhance the existing conversation intelligence capabilities in Viva Sales, Microsoft will also use natural language processing technology to generate call summaries, detect questions, calculate key performance indicators and extract action items.

The new AI capabilities will help sales teams save time and will also remind sellers when it’s time to follow up on emails.

A screenshot showing the new Viva Sales feature in use

The AI-powered capabilities will suggest email responses that users can edit and use (Credit: Microsoft)

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