The Record - Issue 18: Autumn 2020

80 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om “Companies can use our solution to seamlessly recreate the office experience” I NT E R V I EW W hen the Covid-19 pandemic gathered pace around the world in early 2020, companies in multiple industry sec- tors rapidly transformed their business models to allow their employees to work remotely. To recreate the office experience and enable employ- ees to continue to communicate and collaborate with their colleagues, many organisations imple- mented Microsoft Teams. However, while Teams is a vital tool for every remote worker, it does have its limitations, particularly for those who are required to regularly interact with customer relationship management (CRM) platforms to complete their daily tasks. “We’ve spoken with numerous customers and they’ve all told us their biggest pain point is that they have to frequently switch between Teams and their CRM system throughout the day, which is time-consuming, inefficient and increases the risk of incorrect data entry,” says Paul Clark, chief technology officer at communi- cations solutions provider CloudCall. “For businesses to operate successfully, employ- eesmust be able to chat freely with their colleagues – often, the little conversations we have as we pass by our colleagues’ desks are the ones where we come up with our best ideas and or solve critical problems,” he explains. “In organisations where employees are trying to develop meaningful rela- tionships with existing customers and prospec- tive clients, these conversations are actually the ‘magic oil’ that keeps the office engine running smoothly and seamlessly. However, if they have to keep leaving the Teams environment to go and find information in the CRM, these conversations become difficult and disjointed, which will dis- courage employees from using the systems.” After extensive research and development, CloudCall’s team devised the ideal solution: CloudCall for Teams. “We’ve integrated our powerful communica- tions tools into Teams so that users no longer have Paul Clark explains how companies can use CloudCall’s new solution to integrate their customer relationship management system into Microsoft Teams and boost employee efficiency and communication Transforming the remote working experience BY R E B E CCA G I B SON