The Record - Issue 18: Autumn 2020

88 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om F rom the outset of Covid-19, there was a rapid adjustment to new methods of working. Video conferencing tools became a profes- sional necessity, rapidly expanding the user base of technology like Microsoft Teams. Now, several months from the start of the nationwide lock- downs, we are slowly returning to work. The offices we left behind were designed for the old way of working – close-proximity work- stations, narrow walkways and meeting spaces designed for face-to-face interaction. Working in the ‘new normal’ brings a host of new demands, including safe socially-distanced workplaces and the need for properly integrated, seamless video conferencing. Research shows that today 90 per cent of meetings have remote attendees and yet only 15 per cent of our meeting rooms are equipped to handle video, even as video confer- encing has become the new norm. Meeting rooms also now need to cater for social distancing measures that have been put in place to keep people protected. Facilities managers need to set up systems to quickly and easily monitor meeting room occupancy to ensure that meet- ing spaces are not becoming overcrowded and employees can maintain safe distances. Air circulation and good ventilation are also potential interventions which can help reduce the spread of Covid-19, making a case for facil- ities managers to ensure that fresh air is readily available in offices and meeting spaces. In addi- tion, Sharp research has found that improved ventilation can increase productivity by up to 11 per cent, demonstrating the value of improv- ing air quality. As staff continue to slowly return to the office, the Windows collaboration display from Sharp will allow them to monitor these environmental fac- tors through its advanced internet of things (IoT) sensors. For example, the sensors monitor carbon dioxide levels in a room, giving facilities manag- ers insight into how much fresh oxygen-rich air is circulating in meeting spaces. In addition, the display can monitor conditions such as light lev- els and temperature, helping to create the perfect productive working environment and ensure that working conditions are always optimal. This best-in-class IoT technology is coupled with an integrated high-quality camera with 4K sensor, far-field microphone and speakers to pro- vide the seamless video conferencing experience needed when working with colleagues remotely. Ultimately, business leaders and facilities managers need to ensure that the workplace is ready for employees to return, meeting the new expected standard for productivity, collaboration and safety. This means equipping meeting places with the right tools to monitor meeting spaces and ultimately empower people to collaborate. Ian Barnard is general manager of visual solutions at Sharp Europe Are our meeting rooms ready? Companies must meet new standards to support safety and productivity as workers return to the office I AN BARNARD : SHAR P E UROP E V I EWPO I NT “Working in the ‘new normal’ brings a host of new demands”