The Record - Issue 19: Winter 2020

10 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om CONT ENT S COMMUN I CAT I ONS & MED I A 7 8 Creating new ways to communicate Telecommunications companies are using 5G and the cloud to develop new services. Microsoft’s Fran Dougherty tells us more 8 2 Reimagining the fan experience Chatri Sityodtong from ONE Championship tells us how the rise of smartphones has driven the company’s success F I NANC I A L S E R V I C E S 8 8 From recovery to revolution Microsoft is helping financial institutions expedite digital transformation 9 6 Growth through partnership Klaus Andersen shares how open partner collaboration is driving revenue for Basware 9 8 Recreating the bank branch at home Banks must invest in technology to continue delivering secure services, says VeriPark’s Wim Geukens 1 0 0 Why compliance recording is relevant ASC Recording Insights empowers financial services providers to comply with industry regulations while working remotely 1 0 1 Every swipe tells a story Digital behaviour patterns are changing how financial institutions detect fraud, says BioCatch’s Ayelet Eliezer 1 0 3 Putting partners first Sean Delaney shares how Basware is collaborating with its partners to explore new avenues for growth MANU FAC TUR I NG & R E SOUR C E S 1 0 8 Optimisation through integration Manufacturers are turning to Microsoft and its partners to integrate cutting-edge technology for competitive advantage 1 1 4 Building resilience and agility AVEVA’s Craig Hayman explains why Covid-19 has reinforced some technological truths for industrial firms 1 1 6 Achieving holistic automation ICONICS software is helping manufacturers automate processes to boost productivity and lower costs 1 1 7 Optimising processes with AI MECOMS is exploring how AI can help drive efficiency for utility businesses 1 1 8 A valiant effort for mixed reality Theorem Solutions helped Valiant TMS improve inspection and design processes through virtual technologies 1 1 9 A better way to train Nysearch has been able to develop fast and effective utilities training content with CraneMorley AUTOMOT I V E 6 4 Developing the driverless future Autonomous mobility requires a shift in how companies think about vehicle design 6 8 Creating a new reality with HoloLens Mixed reality solutions can bring huge benefits to manufacturers, says Theorem Solution’s Mark Stowe 7 2 The software-defined vehicle Microsoft’s Heiko Huettel discusses the technology transforming a region at the forefront of vehicle innovation 7 4 The new automotive reality Microsoft HoloLens is enabling automotive companies to move towards connected vehicles 7 5 Driving autonomous mobility transformation DXC Luxoft executives discuss building, validating and integrating the autonomous driver into the car 7 6 D eveloping connected vehicle services DXC Luxoft’s Ronny Kraehe and Ferdinand Arndt explain why automakers must consolidate software and vehicle design 8 4 Delivering the future of marketing Accenture Interactive and Microsoft are helping marketeers embrace new opportunities 8 7 Delivering an exceptional user experience Monitoring tools from Martello Technologies can help IT teams determine how outages will impact users 1 0 4 Taking action to recover revenue Puerto Rico’s CRIM used Truenorth’s Sunrise to deliver insights and find new revenue 1 0 5 Surveillance, compliance and communication Organisations can benefit from adapting existing recording obligations for new communication channels, says NICE’s Dave Ackerman