The Record - Issue 19: Winter 2020

126 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om F E ATUR E “ Developed by Nuance and Microsoft, the Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) solution extends the power of Nuance Dragon Medical that is already trusted by over 550,000 physicians worldwide to create a fully voice-enabled and intelligent ambient exam room environment. Nuance DAX capabilities far exceed those of traditional speech recognition software and legacy medical scribing services. Most importantly, Nuance DAX offloads the burden of electronic paperwork from physicians, so they can focus on their patients and improve throughput. By empowering physicians with a solution specifically built to alleviate burdensome administrative workloads and enhance the physician-patient interaction, healthcare organisations can prioritise the inherently human aspects of medicine that are central to improving healthcare experiences – while reducing clinician burnout and driving enhanced clinical and financial outcomes.” Sammy Wahab Founder and CEO of Aztute “Aztute has built a powerful public health platform that seamlessly connects public health agencies with their community, business and healthcare organisations, to provide a centralised command centre to manage public health crises. The platform helps in surveillance and monitoring as well as collection of community data. It also enables timely dissemination of information related to guidelines, testing and helps deliver information related to interventions such as therapeutics, and vaccinations. Microsoft Teams and Power Automate, used in conjunction with the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare, deliver flexibility and speed in secure collaboration in an environment that changes fast and frequently based on industry sectors and geography. The rapid and secured community data drives Aztute’s artificial intelligence engine to detect, respond, recover and prevent public health crises.” Joe Petro Chief technology officer at Nuance Communications