The Record - Issue 19: Winter 2020

128 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om V I EWPO I NT S A L LY F RANK : M I C ROSOF T Healthcare innovation Many organisations are implementing Microsoft technologies to improve healthcare delivery and quality “In the age of Covid-19, the need to update healthcare practices has become even more evident” T he healthcare industry is working hard to digitally transform. We have read the articles, heard about the changes and even experienced some of the new workflows our- selves. In the age of Covid-19, the need to update healthcare practices has become even more evi- dent. Healthcare consumers and practitioners alike are eager to see improvements in health- care delivery, quality and equity and a decrease in re-admissions. Microsoft is fortunate to partner with many companies who are leading the transformation of healthcare, often in unexpected ways. In this article, I’ll introduce you to three innovative companies that are changing how healthcare is delivered: Citizen Care Pod, Thoughtwire and Rapid Response Revival. Covid drives innovation As Covid-19 became a global pandemic, Carl Demarco, CEO of Camillion Corporation, and Zenon Radewych, principal of WZMH Architects, leaped into action. Building a consor- tium that included PCL Construction and Insight Enterprises, they innovated in a way that only a diverse set of companies with a singular focus could. In just one month, the team built the Citizen Care Pod. Designed to enable organisations to be more flexible in how they provide services to the public, the Citizen Care Pod is a modular shipping container that is tailored to each customer. The original purpose was to quickly set up Covid-19 testing centres wherever they were needed, ensuring the safety of healthcare work- ers and citizens. However, shortly after launch- ing the Citizen Care Pod they started receiving enquiries from government agencies, univer- sities and other organisations eager to have the flexibility to provide essential services safely. Today, the Citizen Care Pod is the market maker in Covid-19-safe, modular spaces, using the Microsoft Azure Cloud, internet of things (IoT) platform and artificial intelligence tools. The containers ensure that the workers inside the units are comfortable and the air is properly cir- culated and cleaned of harmful particulates. On the outside, the units can be outfitted with a vari- ety of technology configurations that can ensure that citizens outside the pod are properly spaced apart, screened for temperatures and have access to tablets that provide translation services. Improvements in workflows Prior to Covid-19 becoming a global epidemic, it was evident that even the best hospitals lacked process optimisation. Hospitals are complicated places, with extensive facilities and equipment, highly specialised staff and clinicians, and patients who need enhanced care and support around the clock. Running a hospital is also expensive and a mat- ter of life and death. The virus has added to staff workloads by requiring more of them at a time when there aren’t enough clinicians to serve the population in the best of times. However, the team at ThoughtWire knew they could help. Years ago, ThoughtWire started bringing together data from practitioners, hospital staff, patients, processes and the physical assets.