The Record - Issue 19: Winter 2020

94 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om “Our customers in the financial sector expect to see virtual work or hybrid virtual and in-person work continue for at least the next six months. This requires financial services staff to have the productivity tools in place to work efficiently from home so they can focus on their customers, who are also experiencing uncertainty. Microsoft Teams and Office 365 provide users with a comprehensive set of tools for collaboration, efficiency and productivity, with access to applications like Decisions that extend their capabilities to address direct challenges like remote meetings. We are hearing from our customers that successful remote meetings have become a critical connection point for staff to accomplish work and make decisions, and the structure and planning provided by Decisions’ agenda builder, minutes templates, meeting time tracker and other features help them achieve those meeting objectives.” Jorgen Solberg CEO at Decisions F E ATUR E Garth Landers Director of product marketing and archiving at Mimecast “Mimecast’s Supervision solution enables financial services organisations to address their supervisory compliance requirements. Over a scheduled period, content generated from Microsoft Office 365 is matched against lexicon rules that are designed to catch insider trading, money laundering, puffery and other illegal activity. Messages matching these policies are added to a queue for the firm’s compliance reviewers. In addition, firms can set up rules to randomly sample messages to be added to the queue (to help find issues that may be too difficult for the system to automatically identify). Designated reviewers evaluate messages in the queue and confirm whether they contain a violation. All review activities are tracked to provide an audit trail and reporting to address regulatory audit requests. Additional reports help the firm’s compliance team ensure that supervisory review is happening in a timely and efficient fashion. Mimecast helps firms comply with requirements from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), US Security and Exchange Commission, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and other regulatory bodies. “Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource planning (ERP), paired with MetaViewer Paperless Automation in the cloud, empowers businesses to enhance and improve their employees’ efficiency and their vendors’ experience. Together, the technologies help get payments out the door faster and more accurately from a safe, secure hosted environment that allows remote teams to thrive even in these unprecedented times. Paperless automation, paired with a Microsoft Dynamics ERP solution and a cloud accounts payable (AP) payment automation solution, improves the efficiency and accuracy of AP and customer service by allowing finance departments to work from anywhere with information that is stored digitally and securely, and updated in real-time. This means that vendors are no longer waiting for payment and companies are not forced to pay late-payment penalties. Combining the power of a Microsoft Dynamics ERP and a paperless automation solution are the perfect ingredients to streamlining the accounts payable process from procurement to payment.” Alyssa Putzer Marketing communications specialist at Metafile Information Systems