The Record - Issue 20: Spring 2021

10 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om CONT ENT S COMMUN I CAT I ONS & MED I A 7 8 The power of virtual support Digital platforms have become central to maintaining fan engagement. Microsoft’s Jennifer Cooper and MartinWahl explain how this has sparked a period of rapid innovation 8 1 Creating virtual sport experiences Synergy Technical uses Microsoft Teams to help basketball fans watch live games and interact with commentators in real time 8 2 Manifesting mass migration Nero Blanco overhauled WundermanThompson’s disparate systems to Microsoft Office 365 in just nine weeks F I NANC I A L S E R V I C E S 8 4 The fight against financial crime Rupert Nicolay shares how Microsoft and its partners are using the cloud and AI to monitor, detect and prevent fraudulent activity 9 2 How digital behaviour can indicate fraud Behavioural biometrics from BioCatch provide a fresh lens to identify advanced fraud attacks 9 4 The banking benefit of a platform approach Finastra’s enables banks to pursue digital transformation while reducing costs 9 6 Becoming the bank of choice VeriPark’s Zubair Ahmed outlines how banks can become the primary financial institution for customers MANU FAC TUR I NG & R E SOUR C E S 9 8 Solving the skills gap Microsoft’s Colin Masson discusses how the latest technologies are enabling manufacturers to attract and empower top talent 1 0 3 A product worthy of its name ICONICS’s Melissa Topp discusses the performance, control and integration benefits of the new Hyper Alarm Server 1 0 4 The real deal Microsoft’s Rody Senner explains how HoloLens is modernising knowledge sharing and helping users reach sustainability goals 1 0 8 Embracing the new reality Duncan McSporran of Kognitiv Spark discusses the benefits that mixed reality solutions can deliver 1 0 9 Implementing value at the agile edge PTC is building on Microsoft technologies to help firms use edge technology as part of their IoT strategies 1 1 0 How Covid-19 accelerated digital transformation Ravi Gopinath of AVEVA shares how digital technologies are helping businesses realise the connected workplace of the future AUTOMOT I V E 7 2 Driving automotive productivity Juergen Imhoff explains how automotive organisations can use Microsoft solutions to deliver successful digital transformation 7 6 The promise of IoT in auto diagnostics Microsoft and CraneMorley are helping technicians successfully carry out maintenance procedures using HoloLens and IoT 7 7 The future of diagnostics Luz Mauch of DXC Luxoft explains why vehicle diagnostics must evolve to meet the challenges of complex software 84