The Record - Issue 20: Spring 2021

11 1 1 2 Embracing change Julia Glidden shares how Microsoft’s products and partnerships have helped public sector organisations deliver citizen-centric services 1 1 9 Shaping sustainable futures for smart cities AVEVA’s unified insights help urban policymakers embed resilience into their smart cities. Rashesh Mody shares how 1 2 2 Virtual democracy New solutions for Microsoft Teams like those fromDecisions are enabling councils to improve the democratic process 1 2 3 Smart recovery through partnership PayiQ’s Tuomo Parjanen believes public transport could improve if industry players work 1 2 4 Innovation for public safety Digital tools could help first responders make faster, safer decisions during emergency situations. Unblur’s Irene Schreiber shares how 1 3 0 Creating a sustainable product lifecycle Microsoft’s Michelle Lancaster explains why increasing the sustainability of products and services has become vital for retailers and customers 1 3 4 A perfect pairing: great wine and unified commerce Ste. Michelle Wine Estates is offering new digital customer experiences with Adyen and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce 1 3 7 A selection of Microsoft partners operating across all business sectors R E TA I L & HOS P I TA L I T Y C PG PUB L I C S E C TOR F E ATUR ED PAR TNE R S 1 4 4 THE L A S T WORD Berylls Group’s Jan Burgard predicts how the move towards electrified and autonomous vehicles will impact the automotive industry 1 2 6 A new start Sally Frank discusses how start-ups are using Microsoft’s technology and support to democratise access to healthcare and drive innovation 1 2 8 Digital engagement Pete Durlach shares how Nuance Communications is transforming the healthcare experience with AI and patient engagement solutions 1 2 9 The future of Caribbean social security With widespread public sector disruption, Davyn’s Derrick Villeneuve believes organisations must evolve to meet citizen needs 112 130