The Record - Issue 20: Spring 2021

5 WE LCOME : S P R I NG 2 0 2 1 Rising to the challenge W elcome to the Spring 2021 issue of The Record . With the first quarter of a new year behind us, business and public sector leaders are focusing on the challenges that face them in securing a return to some level of normality. The International Monetary Fund predicts that global growth will be in the region of five per cent in 2021. Businesses across the globe will be engaged in the climb back to pre- pandemic levels of activity, and for many, the answer to the challenges ahead lies in the adoption of new technology. The retail and consumer packaged goods sector has been more visibly impacted than most by 12 months of commercial turmoil. In our interview with Microsoft’s corporate vice president for retail and CPG, Shelley Bransten, which starts on page 36, we find out more about the recent launch of the Microsoft Cloud for Retail platform and how this new toolset will further enable retailers to drive recovery. Turning to manufacturing, on page 104 we talk with Microsoft’s mixed reality sales lead for North America, Rody Senner, about how HoloLens is accelerating innovation. We look at the latest solutions from partners working alongside Microsoft in this area and hear more about recent customer success stories. Beginning on page 78, we find out more about the ways in which media organisations have been working to fill the void left by an absence of live events worldwide. With entertainment of all varieties at a real premium, we ask Microsoft’s Jennifer Cooper and Martin Wahl about the tools that have helped media owners to entertain audiences during uniquely challenging times and the technology that will drive even greater levels of engagement with the consumer of the future. We also welcome a new analyst organisation to offer commentary in our closing ‘Last Word’ section. Berylls Group co-founder and CEO Jan Burgard offers his opinion on the challenges facing automotive industry leaders in the coming year and the technology trends that will lead the way. I hope you enjoy the read. ANDY C L AY TON - SM I TH : E X E CUT I V E ED I TOR