The Record - Issue 20: Spring 2021

51 P ROF I L ED : E G A / S A future-proofed business Scandinavian software provider EG used Nintex to automate paper-based processes, saving time and preparing the firm for future cloud migrations D enmark-based software provider EG is an expert in helping its customers adopt industry-specific software solu- tions. However, its internal processes around onboarding and offboarding employees required a flurry of emails between line managers, human resources and IT. It was manual and time-consuming and, as a growing business, this would likely get worse. EG enlisted the help of Nintex, and replaced what they described as a “manual mess” with a digital process based on Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms. It uses 20 automated workflows to onboard or offboard employees, and edit and update employee accounts when employees transfer within the company, are promoted, or change their personal information, such as their addresses. As EG’s needs expanded, so did its use of Nintex technologies. For example, the com- pany’s finance department wanted to save the hundreds of hours of labour needed each year to produce and track incentive agreements with its sales professionals. It adopted Nintex DocGen, which works with half a dozen EG templates and populates them with information from the company’s data warehouse. Nintex DocGen then automatically generates a unique document based on the incentives agreed upon by the manager and sales professional. “It used to take a couple of hours to produce each document and we were producing hundreds of them – it was increasingly impractical,” says Martin Lindhoff Lysgaard, lead architect at EG. “Now, with Nintex DocGen, we have cut that time expenditure to zero. This is huge.” EG plans to drive its use of Nintex even further, combining Nintex solutions with its existing customer relationship management solution to address manual steps in the handover between its sales and delivery organisations, speeding the delivery process and boosting customer sat- isfaction. EG is also looking to expand its use of Nintex in its recruitment processes so that, according to Lysgaard, “in half a year, no HR person will have to input any information about new hires. It will be in our database and we’ll use Nintex to pull relevant information and deliver it when and where it’s needed.” “Nintex is an important way we future-proof our company,” says Lysgaard. “We can use it on-premises and take it with us to the cloud when we migrate workflows there. It’s flexible and easy to use and, because it’s adaptable, we can continue to use it even as we change other parts of our infrastructure. Nintex meets our needs today and can easily be adapted to meet our needs tomorrow, too.”