The Record - Issue 21: Summer 2021

5 WE LCOME : S UMME R 2 0 2 1 Agents for change W elcome to the Summer 2021 edition of The Record . As Microsoft begins another financial year and final preparations are made for its annual partner gathering Inspire , industry and public sector leaders around the globe are also taking stock of the last 18 months and looking forward to the year ahead. For many, the worst aspects of the coronavirus are behind them whilst for others challenges remain. The measures taken have not only ensured business continuity through times of crisis, they have fundamentally changed the way business is done, with workforces empowered by new technology tools to effectively connect with colleagues and customers from remote locations. In our cover story starting on page 38, we talk with newly appointed corporate vice president for Microsoft’s One Commercial Partner organisation, Rodney Clark, about this rapid uptake in the adoption of new technology solutions and the ways in which the internet of things is being leveraged as an agent for change. Elsewhere in the magazine we talk with Microsoft’s worldwide public sector lead Julia Glidden about the changing face of citizen engagement and innovations across government, healthcare and education during recent periods of lockdown. You’ll find that interview on page 34. In the first of a new series of articles from the International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP) we hear from Sarika Malhotra, recently appointed as international president of this fast-growing community. In a conversation starting on page 60 we find out more about IAMCP’s relationship with Microsoft and the value that the organisation holds for both commercial and civic leaders. Aman Chitkara of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development tells us more about how his organisation is working with technology leaders like Microsoft to drive real change in the sustainability credentials of the automotive industry. You’ll find Aman’s article on page 98. And our feature on page 94 dives deeper into the story of growing sustainability practices, with Microsoft’s global general manager for automotive, travel and transportation Sanjay Ravi offering insight into the work being done. As always, the magazine is also packed with a rich blend of industry features, case studies, news and commentary from a wide variety of industry analysts, partner organisations and Microsoft personnel. I hope you enjoy the read. ANDY C L AY TON - SM I TH : E X E CUT I V E ED I TOR