The Record - Issue 21: Summer 2021

71 customers. Molyneux believes that its solutions deliver real value in marketing. “An effective email signature solution puts the power of email marketing into the hands of the right people, such as the marketing or commu- nications manager,” he explains. “Historically, you would need to engage with IT to make a change to a marketing banner, if you could make a change at all. With our products, marketing executives can log into a portal and update ban- ners as and when they need to, without adding to the IT team’s list of jobs.” This can save time for staff in many ways, par- ticularly as Crossware’s products enable users to preload and schedule marketing campaigns ahead of time. The firm also delivers what it calls ‘dynamic banners’ which can automatically be customised depending on various factors. “Say you have a company that is in the UK and in Germany and you were sending emails to UK customers,” says Molyneux. “You don’t want to send the German banner to a UK recipient. These dynamic banners can change depending on the location of the recipient, the time of day or even content in the email or subject line. We are working to deliver truly valuable products that help our clients provide better customer experiences and reap the rewards of doing so.” “An effective email signature solution puts the power of email marketing into the hands of the right people”