Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

12 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om CONT ENT S 9 0 Protecting against ransomware Securing your organisation is all about protecting your data in the first place, not paying criminals, explains Tim Jefferson of Barracuda 9 2 Meeting the needs of modern business EPOS’sTheis Mørk discusses how audio and visual technologies can ensure the best hybrid working experience 9 4 A more powerful automation solution Busy Bees Asia is using the Nintex Process Platform to automate and standardise employee change processes 9 6 When data goes bad Steve Farr of Experian explains how a data quality firewall can help businesses make better and more accurate decisions 9 8 Enabling the change James Spencer discusses how Jabra is helping businesses worldwide deliver flexible work environments 1 0 0 Protecting your applications Organisations need to understand threats to develop an effective security strategy for their apps, says Chris Hill of Barracuda 1 0 1 Automating the help desk Anywhere365’s Gijs Geurts explains how enterprises are reducing pressure on service agents through AI-powered bots and platforms 1 0 3 The power of document automation Document automation from dox42 has enabled Fraser Yachts to reduce resources spent on document generation 1 0 4 A better way to communicate A holistic communication platform could provide the answer to customer demands, says Solgari’s Ed Grant 1 0 5 Hybrid Collaboration CraneMorley’s Thomas Pratt explains how the company has embraced hybrid working 1 0 6 Long live Content Cloud Optimizely is continuing to invest in the future of the Content Cloud CMS system, as Deane Barker explains 1 0 8 A purpose-driven approach Enterprises can use TCS’s three-horizon strategy to transform business operations, says Siddhartha Gupta 1 1 0 Using data for more inclusive meetings Decisions’ meeting solution software can help improve inclusivity, says Jørgen Solberg F I NANC I A L S E R V I C E S 1 2 2 Modernising the world of payments Peter Hazou outlines how Microsoft is helping banks to modernise their core systems 1 2 8 Levelling up payment innovation Banking providers must embrace the evolving payments landscape, says Anders Olofsson of Finastra 1 3 0 Migration for modernisation Asysco helped Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance migrate to Windows to provide services for the modern customer 1 3 2 The sustainable side of financial services ITSCREDIT is adjusting its offerings to affect change, explains Ricardo de Campos 1 3 4 Why digitise loan collections? Digital collections solutions such as VeriLoan from VeriPark can help to expedite repayments, says Selim Hasan 1 3 6 New-age banking Rajesh Saxena of Intellect Design Arena explains how banks that deliver personalised services are gaining an advantage AUTOMOT I V E 1 1 2 Transforming transportation Microsoft’s John Stenlake explains why emerging mobility services can create transformational change 1 1 6 Taking the first step Real-time data can help start the journey towards truly intelligent transportation systems, says John Stenlake 1 1 8 Travelling together Sanjay Ravi and Julie Shainock discuss how Microsoft is reflecting the transformation in the mobility landscape 1 2 1 Analysing the way to success Cloud Services has helped Air Astana reduce financial reporting time and increase productivity 112