Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

144 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om I NT E R V I EW O rganisations in the global energy sector are aiming to make their businesses more productive, energy efficient and envi- ronmentally sustainable. AVEVA’s head of global partners Kerry Grimes gives an insight into how his company is working with Microsoft to help customers achieve these goals by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, the cloud, data, human insight and other technologies. Tell us how AVEVA is partnering with Microsoft to advance global sustainability in the energy sector. AVEVA and Microsoft are accelerating inno- vation across the energy sector by empowering companies to shape a sustainable future. Together, we are elevating how the energy industry operates by combining industrial data, artificial intelli- gence and human insight with the power of cloud. Our technology solutions provide customers with real-time energy operational data management, which drives efficiency to help themmanage their consumption and emissions more effectively. A key focus of our Microsoft partnership is to transform the energy sector and support the transition to the low-carbon era. With com- bined solutions like AVEVA Unified Operations Center and AVEVA Insight delivered via AVEVA Connect with Microsoft Azure, we are assisting energy organisations to build agile plants, design and engineer reliable operations, and secure production. In what ways is AVEVA collaborating with partners to empower businesses to become more sustainable? AVEVA is committed to working with industry leaders worldwide to help them drive sustainabil- ity in engineering, operations and performance. Our combined solutions span engineering and operations through Performance Intelligence. Together, we are well-positioned to help increase energy efficiency, minimise noxious emissions and optimise the effective use of valuable natural resources to advance sustainable development across a diverse range of industry sectors. This growing focus on the role that technol- ogy leaders can, and must, play in the transition to more sustainable industries has reshaped our strategy and purpose in the past year, even during the unexpected disruptions. Digital technologies allow companies to accelerate along their cho- sen pathway to sustainability by enabling them to operate more efficiently and conserve energy across their operations. It also provides themwith accurate baseline data and measurable evidence of progress at scale. How does your core platform, AVEVA Unified Operations Center, enable businesses to achieve this? The platform offers a foundation for real-time operational performance management, provid- ing company-wide visibility to optimise assets and operations. It empowers the whole team AVEVA’s Kerry Grimes discusses how digital technologies are transforming the energy sector into a cleaner industry Shaping a sustainable future BY R E B E CCA G I B SON “A key focus of our Microsoft partnership is to support the transition to the low-carbon era”