Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

28 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om MAR K E TWATCH Inciper’s new business value assessment workshops help business and IT stakeholders to understand their strategic business goals, walk through current and future business processes, and review both functional and technical operations. Driving business benefits related to cost reduction, improved experience, reduced risk, simplified management and enhanced capabilities, the outcome of the workshops is a clear solution roadmap, with quantifiable solution and process improvements with a measurable return on investment and full total cost of ownership model. Inciper launches new digital transformation workshops Celigo launches library of integrations into popular applications Integration platform provider Celigo has launched a series of integrations between Microsoft Dynamics and popular applications such as Shopify, Salesforce, Hubspot, Magento, BigCommerce, EDI, and many more. These integrations cover common business processes such as ‘order to cash’, ‘quote to cash’, marketing automation, expense management, and others. “Celigo’s integration platform accelerates how companies automate key business processes,” said Jan Arendtsz, founder and CEO of Celigo. “These integrations will help development teams focus their technical resources on more strategic and revenue- generating projects.” Asysco has combined its technologies into a unified solution to help customers modernise their mainframes at their own pace. Decades-old mainframe applications create challenges with costs, maintenance and innovation for businesses looking to remain competitive. Recognising that these organisations are looking to modernise their legacy infrastructure, Asysco has brought together its technologies to combine replatforming, rehosting and refactoring in one unified solution, giving customers complete control over their modernisation roadmap. According to Asysco, the solution gives complete flexibility over business strategy and innovation roadmaps while giving programmers the flexibility to transition their skills when it makes sense. Asysco solution helps users control mainframe modernisation