Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

Evolve to a connected factory that optimizes digital transformation to improve efficiencies and gain competitive advantages. Visit to learn more. Factory Insights as a Service provides a constant stream of data about the overall health and performance of assets and production lines. With the right information at their fingertips, your operators can make faster, more data-driven decisions to ensure optimal productivity and performance. REAL-TIME PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING Factory Insights as a Service enables asset health monitoring in real time to identify abnormal conditions—and what caused them. Real-time alerts help operators quickly address any issues before they become major failures that cost valuable time and money. Efficient predictive maintenance not only improves performance but also makes equipment more durable and productive. IMPROVED ASSET EFFICIENCY AND UTILIZATION Factory Insights as a Service maximizes labor productivity by improving how you train, instruct, guide, and assist your front-line workers. Boost labor efficiency and quality, while reducing downtime, waste, compliance, and safety risks. CONNECTED WORK CELL AND AUGMENTED WORK INSTRUCTION