Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

31 Talend secures business data with private connection to Azure instances Data integration specialist Talend can now deliver a private connection to a Microsoft Azure instance via an Azure Private Link from its data management platform. According to Talend, this type of connection does not expose customers’ endpoints on the internet, which helps keep sensitive data safe and reduces the risk of data breaches. In addition to safeguarding private data from the public internet, connecting Talend through an Azure Private Link can significantly reduce transfer costs for outbound traffic by up to 10 times, while being faster to deploy. “This technology is important as it allows Talend to become part of our customers’ trusted environment while making it much easier for organisations to comply with industry regulations while using Talend’s cloud platform,” said Anne Hardy, chief information security officer at Talend. Davyn adds biometric technology to Social Security Platform Davyn, a Trinidad and Tobago-based Microsoft Dynamics specialist, has updated its Social Security Platform to include biometric technology. Integrating biometric capabilities allowed Davyn’s client, the Belize Social Security Board, to secure registration of all fingerprints for insured persons and provide a link to their records, while also delivering efficient identification of an insured person on the platform through a customer service representative or via the kiosk application. Davyn leverages the Microsoft Azure Self- Managed Cloud to house all biometric data, which is encrypted, secured and stored in a separate database. This information cannot be tied to a specific individual record in the social security system, due to the security measures in place. Anywhere365 will soon add a new feature to its Microsoft Azure-based enterprise dialogue management platform to enable businesses to easily switch between different channels when conversing with customers. The channel deflection feature will be added to Anywhere365 Dialogue Cloud’s interactive response menu, giving customers the option to continue their interaction with a company while switching from telephony to WhatsApp on their mobile devices. This flexibility will improve the customer experience, reduce waiting times and enable businesses to deal with more queries. Enterprises will be able to add this functionality themselves without any coding knowledge via Anywhere365’s no code Dialogue Studio. New Anywhere365 feature lets mobile users deflect calls to WhatsApp