Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

67 “The most successful businesses have one thing in common: a commitment to being customer obsessed. Every interaction must provide an exceptional customer experience, including the billing and payment process. Businesses that sell via e-commerce need to provide an embedded, secure and compliant checkout. Versapay provides solutions that support these requirements. For companies that sell on account, we extend Dynamics 365 solutions to provide an integrated collaborative accounts receivable (AR) solution, enabling finance departments to communicate directly with their customers via the cloud. We make it easy for businesses to collaborate with customers to answer questions regarding their invoices, for customers to understand what they are being invoiced for, and for them to pay. Versapay is supporting the Dynamics 365 ecosystem with this critical business function, providing AR automation including collections, cash applications and payments solutions to empower businesses that depend on Microsoft and its partners.” Jason Read Chief Strategy Officer at Versapay “Celigo is an integration platform that integrates applications, automates end-to-end business processes and accelerates digital transformation at every level of the organisation. By natively supporting Dynamics, we provide the infrastructure to quickly integrate Dynamics to third party applications, with development tools and pre-built integration templates with embedded business logic to accelerate the time to integration. These templates include common business processes such as ‘order to cash’, ‘quote to cash’, and customer 360°, into popular applications such as Shopify, Salesforce, and Power Automate. For partners, it means they can build integrations into Dynamics and then hand off these integrations to the customers to maintain on a daily basis. Because many integrations include prebuilt embedded business logic, it gives customers a starting point that can be customised and expanded to serve their business needs. It also provides the ability to build deep integrations with more functional and less technical resources.” Jan Arendtsz Founder and CEO of Celigo “Our MECOMS 365 platform is built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 on Azure and has a clear customer-centric approach. We use standard functionality from Dynamics 365 such as finance and operations, and enrich that with our own energy and utility-specific expertise for customer engagement, customer information and meter data management. Dynamics 365 allows us to offer high reliability to our customers and the ability to adapt quickly to changing market demands. We make sure that MECOMS 365 stays compliant with Microsoft Dynamics 365, following its new one-version strategy. This ensures fast updates for the MECOMS 365 platform but also easy integration with other Microsoft partner solutions for specific functionality if required. In this way we can provide the best possible solution for energy and utility providers which is available anytime, on any device, and from anywhere.” Michel Delvaux Senior Marketing Consultant at Ferranti for MECOMS