Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

7 WE LCOME : AUTUMN 2 0 2 1 A sustainable future W elcome to the Autumn 2021 edition of the newly named Technology Record . This tweak to our title (previously The Record ) is designed to align our printed and digital output and make it easier for you to find the content you can trust. In this issue we focus on sustainability. Events of the past two years have forced busi- nesses and civic organisations to look at entirely new ways of working. This shift in perspective has extended beyond matters of business continuity to encompass broader concerns about the collective impact of individual operations on the planet. Following Microsoft’s donation of $100 million to fund research by the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst initiative, we ask the company’s global industry product market lead Kees Hertogh how Microsoft’s Industry Cloud platforms are helping business to reach their sustainability goals. Our cover story begins on page 48. Elsewhere in the magazine we continue our recent series of articles showcasing the role of mixed reality in the enterprise and public sectors. Starting on page 174, we hear about the innovation that HoloLens is driving in the world of healthcare from Microsoft’s North America mixed reality sales lead Rody Senner, and global health- care lead and chief medical officer David Rhew. Continuing the theme of sustainability, in the media and communications section of the magazine we take a closer look at the rapidly evolving world of entertainment and the ways in which cloud technology is helping the broadcasting and gaming industries to deliver diverse, highly personalised services whilst also powering new strategies that will help them achieve carbon-negative operations. Our conversation with Microsoft’s Simon Crownshaw begins on page 162. Technology Record is fortunate to be supported by a wealth of thought leaders from Microsoft and this issue is no exception. In this edition, we talk with Rodney Clark, the recently appointed head of Microsoft’s partner channel, about his career journey, his plans for the year ahead and the role Microsoft’s ecosystem of partners will play in successfully delivering upon that strategy. The interview starts on page 42. Elsewhere, you’ll find the usual blend of features, case studies, news articles and per- spectives from a compelling collection of contributors. I hope you enjoy the read. ANDY C L AY TON - SM I TH : E X E CUT I V E ED I TOR