Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

78 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om I NT E R V I EW M anaging and maintaining your assets as an organisation can be a complex, difficult and expensive task, where inefficiency can result in unexpected and costly breakdowns. As a result, software that can help organisations to nav- igate this complexity and more effectively manage their assets is invaluable. The Asset Guardian (TAG) is an intuitive asset management and maintenance solution from Verosoft Design that streamlines maintenance work processes, extends the useful life of assets beyond depreciation and reduces operational costs. “TAG has 15 years of experience and feature development behind it,” saysMartin Turgeon, CEO and president of Verosoft Design. “Embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, TAG takes advantage of the capabilities of the Microsoft Azure Stack along with its core modules.” TAG offers a computerised maintenance man- agement system, enterprise asset management and asset performancemanagement ina single solution. According to Turgeon, this wide range of features allows TAG to account for all an asset-intensive organisation’s needs. “If an electricity distribution company, for exam- ple, needs linear asset management, asset risk index and asset health index, those are advanced features that you will only find in a best-in-class system like TAG,” he says. TAG combines the power of EAM software and field mobility with the TAG Mobility Suite, a suite of mobile interfaces allowing maintenance profes- sionals to stay connected and manage assets from anywhere. The interface is designed to be simple to use for users of all levels of technical expertise. “The last thing an end-user wants to do is work in an interface that looks like a generic enterprise resource planning system,” says Turgeon. “They need to have an interface that is designed for what they do in their job. What TAG provides are inter- faces that are tailored to a user’s specific processes and business requirements. A maintenance man- ager will see a different interface than a field techni- cian because they performdifferent tasks.The user experience is a very important part of our focus at TAG, because that’s how people see and interact with the technology.” Helping to deliver this user experience is the close level of integration with Microsoft technology that Verosoft has developed in TAG. “Over the last few years, we’ve invested in integra- tion with the Azure stack,” says Turgeon. “As we’re embedded within Business Central, we benefit from the advantages of the platform. We’ve also integrated with IoT Hub, Stream Analytics and Azure Databricks just to name a few.These integra- tions help organisations bring value from collected asset data and to support decision-making, auto- mate simple maintenance processes and prevent asset downtimes from their mobile device.” See how TAG is staying at the forefront of mobile Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) for Dynamics 365 Business Central at Martin Turgeon of Verosoft Design discusses how The Asset Guardian solution is making it easier than ever for organisations to manage and maintain their assets Intuitive maintenance management “The user experience is a very important part of our focus at TAG” BY A L E X SM I TH