Technology Record - Issue 22: Autumn 2021

86 www. t e c h n o l o g y r e c o r d . c om V I EWPO I NT O ver the past 18 months, the world of work has transformed completely. As the Covid- 19 pandemic evolves, businesses around the world are continuing to formulate strategies to allow their workforce to work remotely or in the office, depending on the need at the time. This has created a global demand for mobile, secure end- points to access corporate IT resources. Unfortunately, the pandemic has significantly disrupted global supply chains for PC manu- facturers through the sporadic closures of fac- tories, reduced shipping channels, and ongoing component shortages. Lead times for obtaining hardware are long, particularly for enterprise PC models, and prices are at an all-time high. Synergy Technical’s global customers are strug- gling to purchase enterprise-grade PCs to meet their hardware procurement needs. The new Windows 365 is exactly the solution they need, launched at precisely the right time. Windows 365 combines the power and security of the cloud with the versatility and simplicity of the PC. By using Windows 365, enterprises can ensure that their employees have the same secure, managed Windows experience, whether they are working from a desktop workstation at the office or working from home using their personal device as an endpoint. Windows 365 allows employees to pick up exactly where they left off, giving them the flexibility to start the week in one location and finish it in another. Equally important, our customers can use Windows 365 to quickly provision enterprise-grade virtual machines, completely sidestepping the global PC shortage. These virtual machines can be managed alongside the rest of the enterprise technology estate using Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Enterprise organisations are excited about the simplic- ity of managing Windows 365 workstations without the complexity of deploying extensive infrastructure. We have seen interest in deploying Windows 365 from every industry. Financial services, manufacturing, retail and pharmaceutical customers are all beginning proof-of-concept engagements to prove that the solution is secure and ready for their environments. At Synergy Technical, we believe this is one of the most relevant and important technologies to be released over the past few years. For organ- isations that need to have PCs up and running quickly, it’s a complete game-changer. Rohana Meade is president and CEO of Synergy Technical Making business secure with Windows 365 Businesses can overcome challenges caused by the global PC shortage by deploying Windows 365 to turn any device into a secure endpoint that enables employees to access corporate IT resources ROHANA ME ADE : S YNE RGY T E CHN I CA L