Technology Record - Issue 25: Summer 2022

71 AvePoint helps customers to identify businesscritical data by taking an operational approach to collaboration. “If we think about groups using Microsoft Teams as a workspace, it’s important to have a part in that process that makes it clear what the collaboration is about, who it maps back to, and its level of importance to the business,” says Peluso. “We bring that to our customers. “It is a combination of better cataloguing and tracking collaboration efforts with the underlying engines to protect that data. We are not just worried about backup so that you can restore data in the case of a catastrophe; we're talking about an end-to-end story that offers benefits all along that spectrum, including if something really bad should happen to that data.” Many businesses were not prepared for the technological impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and feel that their hands were forced when it came to business resiliency and data protection. “While a strategic approach makes sense in theory, many organisations are now dealing with how to retrofit information management onto a system that is live and in the wild,” says Peluso. AvePoint has a solution for this too. “Our offerings include a mix of policy-driven, top-down strategic approaches, but then also bottom-up insights that allow our customers to retrofit solutions onto the systems that are already in place,” says Peluso. “In the past, I’ve had to convince customers of the potential problems that they will encounter later on. But some people want to wait to see if they actually arise, before trying to solve them. “Now we’re in a situation where I can point out the issues that businesses are currently facing, and we can fit our solutions onto their systems. It’s much more tangible for organisations to act on.” When describing AvePoint’s role in its customers’ businesses, Peluso uses the analogy of bumpers in a bowling alley. “We can’t control how you roll the ball down the lane, but we can make sure that the ball isn’t going to hurt you, or anyone else. You can carry out your processes as usual, just with a little bit of guidance and security around the outside.”