Technology Record - Issue 26: Autumn 2022

145 Manufacturers need speed and agility like never before as they navigate market changes, supply chain disruptions and rising costs. From the factory floor to the customer’s door, the interdependence of processes and organisations across the supply chain has never been clearer – and organisations are embracing cloud technologies to provide the endto-end visibility they need. Microsoft’s recent IoT Signals: Manufacturing Spotlight report reveals manufacturers’ key priorities. “All six of the report’s key findings share a common theme: manufacturers across the globe are advancing their digital transformation efforts,” says Indranil Sircar, chief technology officer of manufacturing and supply chain at Microsoft. “By adopting transformative technologies like, internet of things (IoT) industrial devices, artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins, manufacturing organisations can transform their workforce, build more agile factories, create more resilient supply chains, engage customers in new ways, drive innovation and deliver new services, decrease environmental impact and improve security.” It's not all plain sailing though. Many manufacturers have skills gaps that could place obstacles in their digital transformation path. “Half of the respondents said they face challenges in developing new software applications and eight out of ten say they’re dealing with skills gaps, particularly in data science, AI and cybersecurity,” says Sircar. Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing – currently available in preview – brings together leadingedge solutions and expertise from Microsoft and its partners, enabling manufacturers to bridge those skills gaps and take full advantage of their opportunities. With solutions such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 and broad integration with platforms like Microsoft Teams, it enables manufacturers to reimagine their business by addressing what matters most. “Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing gives manufacturers the flexibility to adopt the solutions they need to address their most pressing business needs – be it building more agile factories, creating more resilient supply chains, empowering their workforce, engage customers in new ways, or delivering new services,” says Sircar. “It starts with a modular framework so manufacturers can innovate as they go, activating end-to-end services like supply chain visibility or standalone services like digital twins.” This capability to gain visibility and optimise productivity from the factory floor to the extended supply chain is crucial. Every element of the supply chain is being digitally transformed, from information technology/operational technology convergence in the smart factory to enabling always-on service and digital selling. As that happens, it’s become clear that each element plays a crucial role in a connected value chain that spans procurement, manufacturing, warehouse management and delivery processes, as well as reporting and after-sales. In recent years we’ve had constant reminders of just how quickly and easily supply chains can be disrupted. “Supply chains continue to see major disruptions due to ongoing pressures from geopolitical events, global economic slowdown in addition to a shortage of workers to meet new and existing customer demand,” says Sircar. “In addition, a typical business that operates globally has a complex IT and supply chain technology landscape. Over the years they have acquired multiple systems for engagement, execution, warehouse management and transportation management and demand planning and supply planning. The challenge is that, with data siloed within different functions, businesses are often I NDU S T R I A L S & MANU FAC TUR I NG “ Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing gives manufacturers the flexibility to adopt the solutions they need to address their most pressing business needs”