Technology Record - Issue 26: Autumn 2022

PUB L I C S E C TOR Goldberg. “What matters is the experience: how easy and accessible it is getting in and out of a space or building, how comfortable it is to accomplish work, and how seamless it is to visit.” Take a sporting event as an example. Goldberg believes there are a few things to consider to ensure a convenient and seamless experience for all. The venue should be wellconnected to major transportation systems so that attendees can travel there in the most convenient way. Ticketing and payment systems should be easy to use so that queues are kept to a minimum, helping both visitors and employees. And finally, strong network connectivity is essential to enable the large numbers of attendees to use their devices for various professional, social and personal activities. To increase accessibility and also boost operations and improve everyday experiences, public sector organisations must make better use of their most precious resource – data. “Daily operations – from security to air conditioning to lighting – come at a considerable cost,” said Goldberg. “The fastest way to efficiency and cost reduction is by using data to make rapid, informed decisions.” London Heathrow Airport – the biggest and busiest airport in the UK – has heeded this message. The airport is using data governance and analytics tools in Microsoft Azure to provide data-driven insights that optimise its operations, support continued growth and improve air travel experiences. “Better predictive modelling around operations and passenger movements helps us play out a wide 179