Technology Record - Issue 33: Summer 2024

117 “Data and analytics are essential for smart city planning. Available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, our industryleading location technology and analytics products deliver critical insights on road transportation and traffic demand. This enables transportation operators, city planners and others to make smarter decisions to reduce congestion and emissions, while improving mobility and services. For example, our real-time junction analytics enable cities and traffic managers to optimise traffic signals in real time, reducing congestion and emissions. We use Microsoft’s vast, reliable cloud network and simplify the integration of advanced road analytics into various projects. Everyone – from city planners to technology developers – can use our insights to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.” Cynthia Gomes Senior Industry Consultant, Hexagon Ralf-Peter Schäfer Vice President, Traffic and Travel Information, TomTom “Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence is a suite of solutions designed to improve the efficiency, safety and sustainability of assets throughout their lifecycle. These solutions are particularly beneficial for public sector transportation, where managing infrastructure like roads, bridges, railways and public transit systems is crucial. The integration of Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence with Microsoft technology creates a powerful platform for managing public sector transportation infrastructure. This combination enables agencies to leverage advanced analytics, IoT and cloud computing to optimise asset performance, improve safety and reduce costs. By adopting these technologies, public sector transportation can achieve higher levels of efficiency, collaboration and service quality.” PUBLIC SECTOR