Technology Record - Issue 33: Summer 2024

136 VIEWPOINT Using process intelligence to enable AI strategy​ Process intelligence is crucial for the artificial intelligence strategies of retail and consumer goods companies. Customers typically come to Celonis with a business problem they are looking to overcome, such as improving customer satisfaction, optimising cost savings or improving sustainability initiatives. Celonis then works to identify the gaps between people, processes and technology. These gaps are not just obstacles, we consider them as roadblocks that prevent organisations from achieving their full potential. It’s important to acknowledge that processes are hard to see and harder to improve. Over time, complexities grow and business operations become a web of thousands of action points from multiple stakeholders. At Celonis, we introduce a new way to understand how processes are operating. We do this with the Celonis Process Intelligence Graph, which closes the gap between raw enterprise data and AI. The Process Intelligence Graph harmonises data from across GRIFFIN BANTA AND LINDSEY PETERS: CELONIS ​Celonis empowers leading retail and consumer goods companies to optimise their processes to drive meaningful business outcomes One example of how retailers use AI is in e-commerce, where AI can summarise product reviews to help customers make informed buying decisions Photo: AdobeStock/Natee Meepian