Technology Record - Issue 33: Summer 2024

82 ROUNDTABLE skills like management and creativity where women often excel. Addressing these issues requires educational institutions and technology companies to collaborate on proactive outreach curricula, showcasing diverse role models and real-world examples to engage young women and challenge these stereotypes. GS: It’s very hard for a woman to break into the club. Historically, hiring practices see firms finding candidates through their network that is usually male dominated, unless they are intentionally working to break this process. If a woman is hired but joins a team of men, she is likely to find it difficult to thrive unless she has some great allies due to bias and microaggressions pushing her away. That is why we have a lot of statistics to show women leaving their careers in technology more often than men. What inspired you to go into a career in the technology industry? CB: I’ve been in the industry for 30 years. I started during the birth of the personal computer and have thrived in the fast-paced, challenging environments, helping businesses to adopt new technologies. Throughout my career, the scarcity of women in technology prompted me to connect with allies who provided invaluable coaching and mentoring, which led to the development of the non-profit organisation The WIT Network with like-minded women. Feedback from allies was instrumental in shaping my leadership style and approach with customers, partners and employees, and The WIT Network aims to provide women and men the same opportunities to grow their careers in technology. This journey has been incredibly rewarding and I am deeply grateful for the experiences and growth it has brought me. AR: Several years ago, I was struck by the lack of women at a technology conference I attended. This spurred me to establish initiatives like Coding Girls and WomenTech Network to support and empower women. We focus on providing resources, mentorship and networking opportunities to foster an environment where everyone can thrive. Our efforts are driven by the belief that technology should promote both innovation and equality, ensuring women have equitable opportunities to lead and succeed. GS: I wanted to do something where I could be on a continual learning path and that is what inspired me to work in the technology industry. Women can balance caregiving duties with career advancement by using tools that allow for flexible remote work and collaboration