Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

121 INDUSTRIALS & MANUFACTURING We asked selected Microsoft partners how Microsoft’s products and AI-driven tools are helping manufacturers to safeguard their processes from disruptions as well as evolve operations for new markets Partner perspectives “One of the biggest challenges manufacturers face is disruption in their workforce. A digitalised human resources management system, like Microsoft-based Lanteria, can provide insight into employee satisfaction rates, turnover and timeto-hire, as well as tools for succession planning, skills training and ensuring certification compliance among employees. Backed by Azure, Lanteria ensures an always-available, highly secure platform, so manufacturers can both safeguard employee data and ensure it is available for accurate and time-sensitive reporting.” “Manufacturers can often face significant challenges when producing high-quality products, including disruptions caused by hardware shortages or remote work, meaning they must be able to manage demand fluctuations with agility. To help address these challenges, we developed Ansys Access on Microsoft Azure, a cloud engineering solution. The platform enhances simulation capabilities with modern graphics processing units and central processing units, providing nearly unlimited resources and increasing flexibility, productivity and speed to market. In addition, the streamlined workflow allows manufacturers to focus more on innovation and design improvements, ultimately improving the final product’s quality.” Hank Norris Microsoft Strategic Partnership Director, Ansys Andrew Swiler CEO, Lanteria