Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

124 VIEWPOINT In the face of ambitious emissions targets, industrial operators and partners must work together to share data and build planet-saving solution FABIO TEREZINHO: AVEVA Expediting the path to net zero Global temperatures are rising and adverse climate events are becoming more frequent, making it imperative for all industry sectors to protect resources and reduce emissions. But, industrial players have an outsize role to play in the race to net zero. Industry, together with electricity generation, accounts for 65 per cent of global emissions, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency. The call to respond to climate change will require rapid industrial transformation. While this is a significant challenge, it is not insurmountable. The good news is the technologies we already know about, such as artificial intelligence and advanced analytics underpinned by the cloud, can empower enterprises to decarbonise, improve circularity and boost efficiencies. But that’s not all. Emissions reductions will rely on the cooperation of industrial operators, partners, developers and customers. At AVEVA we term this concept ‘Ecosystem of the Future’. Within this system, business efficiency is powered by networked data – all stakeholders are connected by secure technologies to leverage maximum insight into operations. Almost half (47 per cent) of industrial leaders see enhancing collaboration with partners and customers, as well as across the workforce, as a key goal of their transformational technology investments, according to our AVEVA Industrial Intelligence 2024 report. In addition, 49 per cent cited investment in a platform that enables data sharing and collaboration among the greatest investments to drive opportunity for their organisation. Technology partners and developers will be front and centre in the drive towards a connected ecosystem of the future that optimises resources, streamlines efficiency and preserves our planet. Partnerships are an effective way to drive innovation quickly and effectively. When multiple entities combine their unique strengths by securely sharing data in the cloud, it is easier to tackle looming business challenges, including our collective sustainability and resource management goals. The ability to openly and securely share standard-format granular data with third parties supports the development of sustainability ideas and heightened business resilience. This kind of visibility and adaptability is invaluable at a time of increasing cross-sector innovation, when developments in one field, such as big data, can support progress in another area. For example, as global regulation and compliance demands increase, there is an opening for developers to assist industrial operators in reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets. By viewing unified value chain data in context, developers can help make accessible the interdependent areas where sustainability action can have the greatest impact, such “Industrial players have an outsize role to play in the race to net zero”