Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

141 The power of broadcast technology is helping enterprises to provide better hybrid work environments they are adapting office space that was never designed for this level of communication. We are going through a process where the vendors of broadcast technology are learning more about what users need, while users are discovering what’s available and how they can make it work for them.” Looking ahead, Goldstein envisions a continued evolution of broadcast AV technology, especially in the context of hybrid work. He anticipates that as the various parts of the ‘broadcast AV’ value chain become better connected, the technology will become “easier to integrate with collaboration tools and probably more affordable and accessible than TV technology”. This democratisation of broadcast technology could eventually empower not just enterprises but also individual employees working from home. “Right now, every enterprise can become a broadcaster,” says Goldstein. “In the future, every user will become a broadcaster in their own right. We’re already seeing this with employees doing their own podcasts, for example. This will lead to greater employee engagement, productivity and effectiveness for enterprises.” Photo: Adobe Stock/DisobeyArt MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS