Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

The world is rapidly changing, and supply chains are vulnerable. Retail and consumer goods organisations are besieged by obstacles including geopolitical instability, labour shortages, rising costs, climate crises and natural disasters. These challenges can lead to product shortages, halted production and delayed deliveries. Other factors – such as the push to meet sustainability goals and changing consumer trends – complicate matters further. According to Gartner’s ebook, Adopt a New Supply Chain Strategy to Minimise Risk Impacts, supply chain risk management today must account for these unprecedented, fast-developing market disruptions as well as transformation within the business. But how can organisations approach this? According to Felice Miller, who leads supply chain and sustainability strategy for Microsoft’s worldwide retail and consumer goods industry group, “they must have the analytical horsepower and operational agility to anticipate or respond in real time to changes in the market and succeed in the changing world”. 154 “ Automating the supply chain can significantly enhance efficiency and reduce inaccuracy” Microsoft’s Felice Miller shares how retailers and consumer goods companies can optimise their supply chains through AI, automation and strong partnerships BY AMBER HICKMAN FEATURE supply chain Powering the connected