Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

46 INTERVIEW “ACS is Microsoft’s de facto business-toconsumer communication platform and we’ve been using it for many years,” says Blench. “Now that we’ve integrated ACS into Dialogue Cloud, we can use the APIs and software development kits to add new features voice, video, chat, text messaging, email and other functionalities to our platform. This will enable us to deliver seamless omnichannel communications, allowing customers to choose how they interact with us depending on which channel is most convenient for them at the time.” Blench explains that using ACS will enable Anywhere365 to develop new customer channels too. “WhatsApp is now becoming a popular channel for business-to-consumer communication and we also expect that more customers will want to have video calls with agents in the near future,” he says. “We’ll be able to use ACS to overcome the technological barriers involved in making both of these mainstream channels over the next couple of years. This will ensure we can develop new communication experiences and easily keep pace with changing customer and employee expectations as they evolve.” More than 2,000 enterprises and organisations around the world use Anywhere365’s Dialogue Cloud platform, including international grocery retailer Aldi, airline Emirates, Founders Insurance Company, professional services network KPMG and multinational telecommunications company Vodafone. All have reported multiple business benefits since implementing the technology to deliver new capabilities to agent and better services for customers. For example, the North American operations division of vehicle manufacturer Mazda has recorded net savings of $1.8 million, Dutch multinational bank and financial services firm Rabobank has saved each customer 60 seconds per interaction, and 96 per cent of agents working at German logistics company DHL say their overall ability to serve customers has improved significantly since they began using Anywhere365’s technology. “Although AI, machine learning and other technologies are still in the early stages, these customer examples show that the capabilities we’re developing using these technologies are already making a real difference in terms of productivity, efficiency and cutting operational costs,” says Blench. “More importantly, they’re also empowering agents to work more productively and deliver faster and betterinformed services that are transforming the customer experience too.” Photo: AdobeStock/Drobot Dean