Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

51 Jamf’s Trusted Access vision helps Microsoft-based organisations manage and secure Apple devices Microsoft Windows, an ecosystem that is so different from Apple that it only leaves a small common denominator that can be effectively secured, leading not only to gaps in security but also to a poor end-user experience.” However, Jamf’s security solutions are specifically built by Apple experts who understand the intricacies of Apple’s operating system and security framework. By leveraging native Apple technologies like the Endpoint Security API, On Device Content Filtering and Network Relay, Jamf ensures that security controls are robust without compromising the seamless user experience that users have come to expect from Apple. The challenge of protecting enterprise data becomes even more complex when employees use mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, to access corporate systems. “Sadly, mobile devices are often overlooked when creating a security strategy,” says Patel. “These devices, which contain the same sensitive data as Macs, are attractive targets for malicious actors.” To counter this, Patel advocates for a comprehensive mobile threat protection strategy that includes web filtering and secure connectivity within a zero-trust framework. “Only this will harden the endpoint sufficiently to protect against today’s threat landscape,” he emphasises. In addition to protecting mobile devices, organisations must also balance security with employee privacy, especially for bring your own device (BYOD) policies. Patel acknowledges that many BYOD solutions have been “great in concept, but flawed in practice”. The challenge lies in ensuring that corporate data is secured without infringing on personal privacy. Jamf addresses this by offering mobile application management rather than full device management, which Patel describes as “too invasive for personal devices”. By securing specific apps without accessing personal data, Jamf’s approach allows IT admins to manage corporate data without compromising user privacy. Photo: Unsplash/The Jopwell Collection