Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

54 VIEWPOINT A cybersecurity revolution Organisations should take a physics-based approach to encryption to secure their data against sophisticated security threats Data breaches and hacking have become alarmingly widespread, largely because today’s outdated maths-based security ecosystem is failing to keep up with sophisticated, modern cyberthreats. Traditional maths-based encryption relies on complex algorithms and the strength of hard mathematical problems. However, these systems have inherent limitations. Given enough time and computational power, hackers can crack the most robust maths-based encryption and expose sensitive data. Secured2 is leading a cybersecurity revolution by abandoning these outdated methods and embracing a new physics-based approach. This shift isn’t just an upgrade, it’s a complete transformation in how we understand and implement data security. This encryption technology, grounded in the principles of quantum mechanics, offers verifiably unbreakable security that is impervious to even the most advanced hacking techniques. Furthermore, we offer a cyber warranty that indemnifies customers against data breaches as a testament to the robustness of physics-based encryption. Our innovation doesn’t stop with encryption alone, though. We have developed a comprehensive end-to-end security system that covers every aspect of data protection, from authentication to mesh data transport and quantum-secure data at rest. Traditional security systems leave exploitable gaps, either in transit or storage, that cybercriminals can easily target. Secured2’s approach is different; it integrates all elements of the data lifecycle into a seamless, impenetrable solution. This ensures that every piece of data is protected from the moment it’s created until it is safely stored, eliminating vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. This holistic security framework is particularly crucial in today’s artificial intelligence-driven world. Large language models and other AI technologies process vast amounts of sensitive information, making them prime targets for cyberthreats. Secured2’s solution not only protects these AI models but also ensures the security of the data it processes. This protection extends across Secured2’s mesh-internet solution, a next-generation network designed to securely manage massive data transfers with unparalleled speed and security. Our solution has undergone extensive vetting by the US Department of Defense, independent third-party security validation and has been endorsed by the former FBI cybercrime chief. We are currently undergoing National Security Association security standardisation as a new benchmark for the US government and its allies. Daren Klum is CEO of Secured2 DAREN KLUM: SECURED2 “Users can focus all their attention on presenting collaborating, conversing and achieving results”