Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

58 INTERVIEW Communicate with clarity Frontline workers must hear, and be heard, in workplace communications. Nick Muir outlines how Spectralink’s technologies and devices are enabling this Communication is key for any organisation, and empowering employees with devices and solutions that support this can not only make operations more efficient, but also improve worker satisfaction. One way organisations can achieve this is through digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT), which can be used over large distances and are not dependent on wi-fi. This allows workers to communicate from wherever they are located whilst maintaining a high-quality connection. Spectralink, a provider of DECT devices, has been innovating with the technology for nearly three decades and develops its solutions based on evolutions in technology and workplace trends. “It’s been around for a long time, but it’s only recently begun to change and evolve in a significant way, mainly due to platforms such as Microsoft Teams,” says Nick Muir, general manager for EMEA at Spectralink. Teams is making it easier for deskless employees to communicate with colleagues, so Spectralink’s recent products – such as the S Series handsets – are designed specifically to work alongside the platform. “We are dedicated to the idea of leaving no staff behind and helping organisations to bridge the technology divide, so our products and integrations are designed to help employees feel more empowered and connected with their colleagues at work,” says Muir. “This is not only critical for their wellbeing, but for company productivity too.” To develop these products and integrations, Spectralink works closely with Microsoft and the wider Microsoft community. “We have fortnightly meetings with the gateway team to ensure that our roadmaps are aligned and that we are on the right track,” explains Muir. “We thrive on that close cooperation as well as feedback from our own customers that helps steer our journey.” One of the most important factors to consider when developing DECT technology is the quality of the hardware. Devices designed for busy, high-impact industries such as manufacturing need to be durable, reliable and long-lasting. Consequently, Spectralink ensures that its products are consistently evolving and improving in quality. “The S-series set of devices represents some of our most remarkable work yet,” says Muir. “We recently surveyed the first 10,000 units we launched from the series, and we only had four returns due to minor issues.” Spectralink customers can gain further efficiency out of its products through Amie, a dedicated platform that allows organisations to monitor all products in their estate. Amie enables administrators to carry out bulk network and update management for devices and provides them with a real-time view of device health, including power, speed and maintenance needs. In addition, customers can use Spectralink’s BY AMBER HICKMAN Spectralink’s S Series handsets are designed specifically to work alongside Teams