Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

65 Hybrid work patterns mean businesses are needing to invest in new AV systems for employees to stay connected annual revenue growth for providers who invest in platforms and services, particularly managed services. These solutions, along with key partnerships, can allow firms to evolve with the hybrid office space rather than be limited by it.” AV providers must balance the need for innovation with the potential risks and costs associated with changes. “To mitigate risks and costs, providers can partner with firms that have complementary competencies in platforms or services,” says Sullivan-Trainor. “They can also lean into their competencies to adapt solutions for the new requirements. The solutions need to be flexible to accommodate the kind of space in which they will be deployed, and they must be easy to install and use.” AVIXA aims to continue monitoring market opportunities in growing AV sectors. “Our market intelligence closely tracks and analyses professional AV employment trends, allowing us to forecast the market for 2025 and the future beyond,” says Sullivan-Trainor. “We can also drill into subsegments of solutions and verticals to help guide AV professionals to develop adaptive strategies.” Photo: istock/Lyndon Stratford