Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

72 Although payroll is a fundamental function of human resources (HR), its significance is often underestimated. This oversight can lead to late or inaccurate pay cheques. According to isolved’s 2023-2024 Voice of the Workforce survey, 25 per cent of employees say their company frequently makes payroll and timekeeping errors. Right at Home is a franchise in Wisconsin, USA, which offers in-home care for senior citizens and adults with disabilities in Milwaukee and Waukesha. The organisation focuses on providing personalised care based on each client’s needs, whether at home or in a living community. Right at Home also aims to create a positive work environment for its 50 mostly part-time employees, recognising the importance of payroll in this effort. According to Tanya Maldonado, HR and payroll manager, the firm’s previous processing provider, ADP, made payroll processing an “extremely intensive manual process that took a lot of time”. With ADP it took Maldonado several days to process payroll and it was common for pay cheques to show incorrect wages. Some employees were underpaid, while others received an overpayment that had to be adjusted in their next pay cheques. Right at Home sought an alternative solution that would integrate with its current HR information system and found that isolved could seamlessly upload employee information to simplify payroll processing. With isolved’s payroll features – including alert errors prior to processing, employee self-service and tax filing – Right at Home can now complete payroll in under an hour, cutting the processing time by 96 per cent. isolved has also helped to reduce errors. “I don’t remember the last time we had an error on payroll,” says Maldonado. With the newfound time, Maldonado and her HR team can focus on planning schedules for clients and caregivers, connecting with isolved has streamlined payroll processes for care provider Right at Home, reducing errors and freeing up time for HR professionals to focus on other tasks CASE STUDY: RIGHT AT HOME Transforming payroll Photo: iStock/solstock