Technology Record - Issue 34: Autumn 2024

95 IN FOCUS: DYNAMICS 365 allocate resources optimally. The automation of routine tasks and the assurance of data consistency freed up valuable time for employees, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities that drive the business forward. Most importantly, the integration of the new solution has strengthened Perry Homes’ market position. The streamlined business operations and accurate data forecasting – based on customer behaviours, pricing trends and geographic information – gives the company a competitive edge. It enables it to anticipate market shifts, tailor offerings to customer preferences, identify cost-saving opportunities and make strategic decisions based on real-time data. The partnership between Perry Homes and Caf2Code has been a resounding success, and it continues to evolve. Both companies are committed to exploring new ways to leverage technology to further enhance operational efficiency and financial management. “Caf2Code went above and beyond to understand and address our needs for this project,” says Randy Volkin, chief information officer at Perry Homes. “The team has remained 100 per cent committed to supporting us since day one. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and exploring new technologies to further improve our business.” The Perry Homes story is a testament to the power of digital transformation executed strategically. By embracing this comprehensive approach, Perry Homes has not only modernised its operations but also positioned itself for continued growth and success in an increasingly competitive market. The lessons learned from this successful partnership can serve as a valuable roadmap for other organisations seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital age. “ Caf2Code went above and beyond to understand and address our needs for this project” Perry Homes uses Dynamics 365 to get a comprehensive view of its operations