153 Microsoft’s Eric Basha outlines how AI is helping government-led organisations to provide more accessible and inclusive services to every member of the community BY REBECCA GIBSON City officials in Gamle Oslo, Norway, must provide residents with access to healthcare, employment, housing and multiple other public services. Like any other municipality, there is a limit to its budgets and resources, which makes it challenging to fairly distribute assistance to those who need it most. What Gamle Oslo did have was data. And lots of it. Working with Microsoft partner Ingraphic, the city deployed Microsoft Fabric to unify the data it was collecting about employment, education and social issues in Microsoft SharePoint, Power BI and Dataverse into one central repository. Now, it can manage the strategic development of services and prioritise investments. For example, it can use colourcoded maps to pinpoint where minor issues such as graffiti are being reported, correlate this information with data about employment rates within the area, and use this information to proactively help those responsible to find gainful employment. PUBLIC SECTOR Gamle Oslo in Norway unified its data in Microsoft Fabric so its employees can find information easier to better serve citizens