103 including the growing use of AI tools for media manipulation. Recent developments in AI have had a transformational impact on media production and distribution, as well as enabling significant breakthroughs in healthcare, education, manufacturing and other industries. But in the wrong hands, AI could also prove to be a powerful weapon that can be used to create fake stories, images or videos. As a leader in AI development, Microsoft has a significant role to play in ensuring the technology is used safely. It has engaged with non-profit and civil society organisations to help and support broader industry standards for synthetic media. One example is its participation in work led by the Partnership on AI to establish a framework for responsible practices, including a case study on LinkedIn Content Credentials implementation. “As history has taught us, we need to proactively address risks,” says Jenks. “Our strategy to protect people and communities from harmful AI content is based on six focus areas: a strong safety architecture; durable media provenance and watermarking; safeguarding our services from abusive content and conduct; robust collaboration across industry and with governments and civil society; modernised legislation to protect people from the abuse of technology; and public awareness and education.” According to Jenks, combating the proliferation of fake media will ultimately require a multilayered approach similar to that used for security and privacy, with both technology and education having a role to play. “Content Credentials is a powerful tool that is even stronger when combined with other technologies, such as watermarking and fingerprinting, to create a durable Content Credential,” he explains. “Beyond technology, we believe that public education is imperative due to fundamental changes in information sharing and media consumption. From children to senior citizens, we need to ensure that everyone has strategies to help identify the origin of the content and think critically about the content they consume.” MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Content Credentials is an industry standard provenance system developed by partners in the Coalition for Content Authentication and Provenance Photo: Adobe