67 Last, project professionals need to expand their perspective. The best project leaders think beyond their immediate task; they can see the bigger picture outside of their organisation and understand how their project holds value in the wider world to drive results that truly matter. The key point to take away from the research is that it’s time for project professionals to step up. It is evident they hold great potential for driving meaningful and successful transformation, but to capitalise on this they need to challenge outdated thinking and take ownership of value creation. There is a clear message for executives too. Projects are the engine of transformation but if executives want meaningful results, they must empower project professionals and hold them accountable to not just deliver, but also own, success. Give them a real voice, invest in them and expect them to challenge assumptions to maximise value and reduce waste. Download the Maximizing Project Success report at: bit.ly/project-success-report Pierre Le Manh is president and CEO of PMI Photo: Adobe Stock/Kostiantyn