News | Azure | Big data | Microsoft Cloud | Security AvePoint adds data recovery capabilities for Microsoft Azure
News | Profiled | Manufacturing | Azure | Dynamics 365 | ERP Fellowmind helps Spinnova transform textile production with Microsoft tools
News | Profiled | Hospitality | Azure | Microsoft Cloud | Security URC Vietnam uses Microsoft Azure for better food and beverage services
Interview | Manufacturing | Azure | IoT | Microsoft Cloud Simplifying and accelerating applications of the internet of things
News | Retail | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Cloud Bradshaw Taylor chooses Microsoft Cloud for better customer service
News | Communications | Dynamics 365 | Teams Solgari launches contact centre solution for Microsoft Teams
Viewpoint | Healthcare | Azure | Microsoft Cloud Using Microsoft technology to empower mental healthcare
News | Transportation | Azure Wayve uses Microsoft supercomputing for autonomous vehicle deep learning
News | Transportation | Travel | AI | Azure | Microsoft Cloud American Airlines and Microsoft partner for better travel experiences
Profiled | Manufacturing | Azure | Microsoft Cloud | Security Enabling secure expansion for a growing business
Feature | Financial services Transforming the customer experience: AI in the financial services industry