News | Energy | Sustainability Petronas and Microsoft drive renewable energy and decarbonisation efforts
News | Profiled | Hospitality | Azure | Microsoft Cloud | Security URC Vietnam uses Microsoft Azure for better food and beverage services
News | Manufacturing | AI | Dynamics 365 | IoT SCG joins forces with Microsoft Thailand to improve digital capabilities
News | Manufacturing | AI | Azure | IoT P&G to collaborate with Microsoft to improve digital manufacturing
News | Media | Microsoft Cloud | Sustainability Blackbird reduces video production carbon emissions by 91 per cent
News | Communications | Microsoft Cloud | Teams Anywhere365 Attendant Console now available in Microsoft Teams App Store
News | Retail | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Cloud Bradshaw Taylor chooses Microsoft Cloud for better customer service
News | Communications | Dynamics 365 | Teams Solgari launches contact centre solution for Microsoft Teams
News | Manufacturing WSP and Microsoft to support digital transformation acceleration in engineering industries